Friday, September 10, 2010

 Hello Students,
 Another very good example of CSR.
Enjoy Reading.
Gautam Bansal
 Elin Appliances
AT first sight, Elin Appliances appears to be run by nature lovers rather than clever marketers. From managers to peons to security guards, ask any worker about the importance of safeguarding the environment and they will gush forth with a brilliant exposition. It all started in 2004, when Elin set up its facilities at Baddi in Himachal Pradesh.

J.S. Kang, factory manager at the Baddi plant, was worried that five trees were to be cut down to make way for the plant. Kang’s boss Sanjeev Sethia had a cure for his discomfort: add up the age of the trees and multiply by 10 and then plant that many trees. That is how Elin started the ‘Go Green’ initiative at Baddi. It plans to plant about 10,000 trees by the end of next year under the scheme.
FOREST CITY: Elin Appliances has planted thousands of trees all along the roads of Baddi (BW pic by Tribhuwan Sharma)So far, Elin has planted thousands of trees and plants along Baddi roads, where bigger factories with large funds are located. Some of the beneficiaries of Elin’s green initiative are the local panchayat office at Sanedh, a gaushala (cow barn), and some schools, where about 500 fruit trees have been planted. At Nalagarh, Elin has built a neat little park — Van Vihar — within the forest department’s area. The park is a popular pathway for joggers.
The company’s sincere effort towards greening is unmistakable. Notably, Elin has also educated its workers on the benefits of re-greening the planet. Every employee gets two plants each to take home to plant on their land. The workers also participate enthusiastically in drawing competitions on environment. All the paintings, even those that look childish, are prominently displayed on the notice board.
Surprisingly, the company did all this without having a clear-cut CSR policy. In fact, a CSR policy has just been developed and is yet to be formally vetted by the management. The company has even hired a consulting agency, to help it better define its CSR initiatives.
Elin’s other CSR initiatives are a far cry from ‘Go Green’. The company trains its employees on fire fighting, encourages skill upgradation and routinely organises blood donation camps. So successful was the last blood donation camp that many volunteers had to be turned down. Elin staffers’ expertise in firefighting is well known in the area: when a fire broke out at a nearby factory, it was Elin employees who rushed to douse the fires. The workers are not just trained, but actually organised in teams, and  put on alert in rotation so that they are available 24X7 in case of an eventuality. To give credence to the mettle of its employees, Elin has a tie-up with Chitkara University, which provides a certificate course to its employees in firefighting.

1 comment:

  1. Another e.g of CSR is
    ITC takes a socially responsible approach to their people, clients, professional contacts and suppliers. They also recognise and take responsibility for their influence on the environment and the communities in which they operate, both as a company and as individuals. Clear policies and plans exist to ensure that appropriate practical steps are taken; policies that often bring the additional benefit of greater efficiency, lower costs and an enhanced reputation as a service provider - and employer.

    CSR in
    Policy overview

    Policy overview
    They manage the company in an ethical way, respecting traditional best practice in areas such as client confidentiality, risk management, conflict of interest and health and safety.

    The environment
    They work in an energy-efficient, modern building with an open-plan layout that encourages team work. Whilst the nature of their work is paper-intensive, they are committed to reducing the amount of paper that is use and to recycling wherever possible - to be a 'less paper' office as they cannot be a 'paper-less' one.
    In addition to reduce their consumption, they also promote recycling (for example toner cartridges and light bulbs) and endeavour to source products manufactured from sustainable resources.

    The people
    They aim to provide a fulfilling and rewarding career for all their employees. They are fully committed to promote diversity and to create a culture of equal opportunity, fairness, inclusivity and respect for all.
    They provide flexible working arrangements to encourage a better work/life balance. They also maintain best practice in their HR and health and safety policies and procedures.

    The community
    As they move forward, they will continue to develop their standing as a responsible business in the community.
